Last Updated: 16.08.2024

This application is developed by Oleksandr Kazakov. ("we", "our", or "us"). We value your privacy and are dedicated to protecting it. This privacy policy details the information we collect from you and how we handle it while you use the MoodFormer app.

1. Information We Collect

App Usage Data: With the help of Amplitude, we gather insights on app usage patterns, including screen views, session durations, and button interactions.

Crash Reports: To enhance our app's performance, we may gather data about app malfunctions or crashes. This data is strictly non-personal.

Microphone, Camera, and Gallery Access: For video creation purposes, our app requests access to your device's microphone, camera, and gallery. Rest assured, we do not store, share, or send this data elsewhere.

TrueDepth Camera System: Our app utilizes Apple's TrueDepth camera system exclusively for animation purposes, animating a character's face in sync with the user. We do not store or share facial recognition data or any other data that the TrueDepth camera system captures. All data processed from the TrueDepth system remains on the device and is never transmitted to MoodFormer Inc. or any third parties.

2. How We Utilize Your Data

App Enhancement: We analyze collected data to comprehend user preferences, rectify possible issues, and refine the user experience.

Internal Analysis: Your data aids us in internal assessments, allowing us to upgrade our offerings and services.

3. Data Sharing and Transfer

Third-Party Services for Analytics: Although we collaborate with third-party services like Amplitude for statistics, the shared data is anonymized, ensuring no personally identifiable information is transferred.

Advertisements and Personal Data: For the purpose of displaying relevant advertisements within the app, we partner with IronSource. This involves sending some personal data to facilitate targeted advertising. Please refer to IronSource's privacy policy for more detailed information on how they handle and protect your data.

Your Privacy Matters: While we may share certain data for analytics and advertising, we assure you that we will never sell or lease your personal data to unrelated external entities.

4. Ensuring Your Data's Security

Your data's security is paramount. We've set up robust physical, digital, and administrative measures to shield the information in our possession.

5. Updates to This Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy may undergo changes. Whenever there's a major revision, we'll keep our users informed via the app or other communication avenues. Please ensure you revisit this policy now and then.

6. Your Agreement

Using MoodFormer signifies your agreement with this privacy policy.

7. Reaching Out to Us

If you have any queries or worries regarding this policy, don't hesitate to contact us.

© 2024 Oleksandr Kazakov.